From the journal of corVus

January 23nd, 2015


The logic with which Ghost Tank tries to justify his actions is truly something to behold. I would suggest the man try his hand at being a lawyer but seeing as how he floundered away the one gift he was give, his size. I see no reason to believe that he will succeed in a world where quick thinking and hard work are the ingredients for success. I've already explained why I wanted Fyre to be Ghost Tank's partner. It wasn't for some strange reason as the strange man with the neon green hair said. The reasoning behind the request was actually very simple. My goal is the destruction of the Asylum and what better way to start out on the right foot than to take apart the two weakest members of said faction? Start at the bottom and work your way up. That's what my father always taught me.

Ghost Tank can't wait to see my reasoning for why I want to see the Asylum fall like I do. Though even after I share the information that he is so waiting to hear he still won't care. At least that's what he said. I guess the moral of the story here is that you can't really trust what Ghost Tank says because he just contradicts it in the very next sentence and that's a real shame because for a second there I thought Ghost Tank had an actual well thought out coherent thought...

No wait. That' a lie. At no point did the ramblings of a man so desperate for vindication that he had to change his name did I ever hear anything that resembled an salient point.

The Phoenix. Rising from the ashes of his own smoldering carcass of failure. That's who Ghost Tank is. Or was as he is now claiming. If only it were as simple as a name change. If only the XWF was like Witness Protection. Change your name, move across the country and no one knows who you are.







But it's not that simple.

Ghost Tank wants it to be one way. But it's not that way. It's the other way.

Simply changing one's name does not absolve them of their past failures nor does it predict future successes.

Ghost Tank is what Ghost Tank always was.



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