I see a complainer.

I see a fraud.

I see mounds of evidence to support the claim that Ghost Tank does not understand what it truly means to be part of a brotherhood.

If someone were to challenge me to a match and went so far as to suggest that I get a partner or two the first people I would look to would be the only two people that matter. Justin Sane and Gator. Two men who have met the Asylum on the fields of battle and walked out victorious.




When I issued the challenge to Ghost Tank I graciously, through Gator, asked that he use one of his own Asylum mates as a partner. Now someone who values brotherhood would have happily accepted and in most cases even felt confident that he gets to go into battle with a trusted brother but instead Ghost Tank decided to say Fuck You Lucius Fyre. Fuck You Frodo. Fuck You Aaron Underwood. Fuck you Hysteria. Fuck You Higher Power. Fuck You Asylum. Instead Ghost Tank went and found himself someone who as yet has not revealed him or herself.

If Ghost Tank's partner were to ever stumble upon these words let it be known that they are both a warning and an offer.

Unless this partner is the newest member of the Asylum than my quarrel is not with him. He has until the initial bell of our match to walk away unharmed and if the synapses in his brain continue to misfire as they did when he agreed to be part of this match in the first place then I will be more than happy to stand over his broken body knowing that I gave him the chance to walk away and he chose to stay. Some might call that noble. I call it idiotic.

Lucius Fyre should actually consider himself lucky that his stable mate, his brethren, refused to take him on as a partner as it is the only thing that saved him from succumbing to the same fate as Ghost Tank at Turning Point. So much the better as it gives me someone to focus my anger and rage at later. Make no mistake about it, one by one they will all fall down.

Hope - noun - a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Ghost Tank hopes that a name change will be the magic pill that takes him from pathetic disappointment to well, anything else.

Ghost Tank hopes for understanding.

Ghost Tank hopes that he takes to his transformation well.

Ghost Tank hopes that his partner does his job.

Apparently Ghost Tank doing his job is still iffy at best even with a transformation as he made no mention of his own responsibilities in this upcoming match.

Ghost Tank hopes that this transformation will take the Asylum to a whole new level.

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