Ghost Tank again hopes that this transformation takes. Ghost Tank hopes he beats me. Ghost Tank hopes that Hysteria the Prophet concludes his conversation with the Higher Power so that this little magic spell, because that is what it is going to take, some sort of otherworldly magic to turn this pumpkin into a carriage. I hope that Ghost Tank isn't too disappointed when the final bell sounds and he once again gets to look up as his opponent not his hand is raised in victory. hope that Ghost Tank wakes up tomorrow and realizes that the only monster in our match is the man standing across from him. I hope that Ghost Tank's brothers in the Asylum find it within themselves to show up at our match ready for war because it will take each and every one of them to save Ghost Tank from the worst beating he has ever received. I hope that after Ghost Tank has lost again because that's what he does, that the rest of the Asylum,specifically Hysteria takes notice of who and what I am. I hope that Ghost Tank doesn't think that having his stablemates show up in his promos will help make him more effective and relevant because all it actually succeeds in doing is highlight just how ineffective and irrelevant he truly is. I hope that Turning Point lives up to it's namesake and marks the beginning of the end for the Asylum. AND I HOPE TO BE THE ONE TO USHER IN THAT END. Hope is a wonderful thing. Hope can even be a very powerful thing. But all the hope in the world will not save Ghost Tank or his unnamed partner if he does indeed show up for our match from what I am going to do to them. I am corVus and this is only the beginning.