[// FORWARD \\]

So, this it it, huh? The XWF. I suppose you could give it all the usual christenings - the place where careers are made; the place where the highest spoils of victory are reserved only for those who dare to push themselves beyond their limits. No, no, that's much too cliché. For the past couple of weeks now I have lurked in the shadows, watching.. waiting. Confined to the space inside my head, and let me tell you it's a helluva' place to visit, I came to one simple conclusion. This place you all call home? The XWF? It's nothing more than a battleground of chaos.. a shelter for some of the most sick, twisted, derranged indivuals I have ever seen.. and I love it. I think I'm going to fit in just fine around here. My name is Justin Sane and I pledge my allegience to only one thing.. insanity. Let me enlighten you.



:: The screens is black, but the picture appears unsteady and noises indicate somebody is fiddling with the camera. After a moment the camera stops shaking and a figure moves away from the lens to reveal a very basic hotel room - unmade bed, half empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the bedside table and a cigarette still smouldering in the ashtray next to it. A man walks into the camera shot - he doesn't appear to be anything special. He is wearing blue denim jeans with black boots and a black t-shirt that has "Screws Loose" written across the front of it in bold blue lettering. He walks over to the edge of the bed where the camera is facing and sits down. His hair is a mess as he runs his fingers through it. He looks up at the camera, a smirk pulled across his face. He's maybe 25-30yrs old, but the dark circles around his eyes tell more stories than his years could possibly carry. He takes a moment to look down at the floor, wringing his hands together, before pulling his gaze back up to the camera and beginning to speak ::

Justin Sane: "I know what you're thinking. Trust me, I do. You're thinking, "Oh great, here comes another one.". Here comes another guy trying to make a name for himself in the XWF. I'm sure he's going to tell the world how he's going to conquer everything in his path, how there's not a man alive who can stop him."

:: Justin laughs quietly under his breath as he reaches for the bottle of Jack Daniels and the dirty glass that sits beside it. He pours himself a neat drink and replaces the bottle. He takes a sip, then clears his throat before continuing. ::

Justin Sane: "You're probably expecting me to tell you all about the championships I'm going to win, and who's head I'm going after first. You probably expect me to tell you all about my past accomplishments and how they somehow entitle me to instant glory in the XWF."

:: Justin laughs again, takes another drink and then stares at the glass for but a moment before pressing on. ::

Justin Sane: "The truth is, the past is just that. It's in the rear-view mirror and I'm not much for checking out the traffic behind me. So I guess now the question is why? Why did I come to the XWF? It's simple really.. I am addicted to chaos. I mean REAL chaos and there's isn't a damn place on gods green earth that is more chaotic than the XWF. See, for the longest time,I was just like the rest of you.. I did what I was told, when I was told to do it. Stuck in the daily grind day after day, month after month, year after year. I was consumed by mediocrity and it was driving me mad, it was... driving me insane. There I was, stuck in a dead end job with no future. I had not a damn thing next to my name except an empty bottle of whisky and few pills. That's when it happened. That's when I found my clarity, my absolution! No, I didn't find god. I found something better."

:: Sane's eyes have widened with intensity. He takes another drink from his glass and laughs through his teeth. He holds a finger up and shakes it at the camera as and evil grin cracks over his face. ::

Justin Sane: "The voices. The voices inside my head. They told me I could change it all, that I didn't have to be a slave to society. All I had to do was turn myself over to them and in return, they would take me to heights I could only ever dream of. They're very persuasive, or perhaps it's just the fact that they make more god damn sense than anybody else I have ever crossed paths with. They have given me a new lease on life, a confidence in myself that is unrivalled. You want to know why I'm not going to call anybody out or tell you how fast I'm going to ascend the ladder? Because I don't have to. Sooner or later, I will make believers out of you all. From the ashes of skeptics shall rise the tribe of the insane. One by one, day by day, you will all come to realise that this isn't a game to me. This is all I have, all I want. I'm not telling you what I'm going to acheive here in the XWF because the fact of the matter is, there isn't a damn glass ceiling high enough to stop Justin Sane from breaking through. It's no use me telling you what lengths I'm willing to go to in order to get there, because as far as I'm concerned, I don't have any limits. I haven't reached them yet. There is no going above and beyond when you haven't even travelled to the edge of the sidewalk."

:: Justin sits there with his elbows resting on his knees, holding his glass of Jacks in both hands in front of him as he measures an intense stare down the camera lens. ::

Justin Sane: "There is one promise I am willing to make though, one guarantee that I hold no reservations for. As far as the XWF is concerned, things are changing. The landscape is about to reach a point in it's evolution that I promise you nobody has seen coming. This will be my redemption.. my salvation.. my deliverance.. and before it's all said and done, rest assured, you will all bare witness to my pledge.. of insanity!"

:: Justin drains the rest of his drink and gets to his feet laughing menacingly. He walks over and grabs the camera - the screen rattles around before suddenly cutting to black ::

© 2014 Insanity Productions