*The scene fades into Gator's living room, he is slumped on the couch and Xbox One controller in his hand as he stares intently at the screen, a headset over his mask. Todd sits on an armchair, looking at the screen as he eats cereal. Gator let's out an annoyed sigh as he is gunned down on the screen*

"Fuck! Fern I thought you were watching my back!" 

*Gator shouts into his mic, a voice comes through the TV and his headset*

"I've got my own shit to deal with you know." 

"Fuck you! You protect your superiors!" 

"Give the kid a break Gator."

"I'll give you a break. Break my foot off in your ass." 

"Haha. The salt is so real." 

"Finally, respawn times on this game are ridiculous." 

"They could be worse." 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Will you faggots shut up and play!"

"Who invited the four year old?" 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "I'm actually fourteen Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter? Oh. Because I'm English, clever." 

"Aren't you too young for this game kid?" 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "LOL! What just because I'm not an old faggot means I can't play da best game evar!? Fuck you loser!"

"The mouth on this little shit."

*Gator concentrates on the screen, his thumbs moving quickly over the controller, he spots an enemy and kills him*

"Get down bitch!" 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Oh you kill stealing fag!"

"Who me? Fuck you kid." 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Fuck me!? Fuck you! You yellow toothed piece of dog crap!"

*Gator stops tea bagging the corpse of his victim looks at the fourteen year old's character*

"Is your whore of a mother fucking a sailor or some shit kid? Because that's the only reason I can think of for you talking like that. Do you even know what you're saying means?" 

"Boom! Headshot!" 

"Nicely done Fern." 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Pfft. Whatever hater."

"Yeah you go cry about that. Sane where the fuck are you?" 

"Sneaking up on this sniper. HA! Get knifed bitch!"

"Okay, I'm going to do... Something." 

"Run around with a shotgun and plant claymores?" 

"We've been playing an hour and you know me so well Fern." 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Such a noob tactic."

"Are you still talking?" 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "Don't make me angry man."

"Or what your autism going to act up?" 

*Sane and Fernando's laughter comes through the television*

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "I can hack you, you know."

"Oh yeah prove it!" 

xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX: "I will you dildo!"

*A message pops up on the screen 'xXPr03liTESnip3RHaxX' has been disconnected. Gator chuckles*

"Ha. Fucking kids." 

"Bit harsh Gator don't you think?" 

"Call it practice against Asylum." 

"You still burning up about what happened?"

"Nah. I'm over it. Pretty sure you were angry enough for the both of us." 

"Ha. I'm still pissed off about it."

*A few seconds of silence go by as each member of Defiance concentrate to win the game, Gator getting few kills on the move*

"Why is Shane just spinning in circles at spawn?" 

"Not a clue."

"He's probably AFK." 

*The footage cuts away from Gator and to an empty street, Shane Anonistrator stands in the centre of the road, half naked wearing only a white shirt, with a tie wrapped around the top of his mask. He holds an imaginary assault rifle, pretending to shoot it making 'pew pew' sounds from his mouth. The footage cuts back to Gator*

"We better not lose the game because of that crazy fucker." 

"You okay Gator?" 

"I'm fine, just need a win I guess." 

"You've got this with D'Ville, I know you do." 

"Thanks man. I'm just dreading watching one of his promos." 

"You not a fan?" 

"He's just so dull. I can get more excitement from a wheel of cheese." 

"This is a big match for you man, understandable if you're worried."

"I'm not worried, not in the slightest. I know what he's going to do anyway, same old shit just different background. Hello my friends, let me meet a random person and pretend to help them, then I shall try and not make myself look stupid by explaining how my opponent is inferior. Shall I tell you of my past accomplishments my friend? So. Fucking. Boring." 

"You hear that he called you Jacbo in one of those little promos he did?"

"On purpose?" 

"I doubt it."

"I was going to say that would be a weak insult if he meant it." 

"If the guy insists on calling me by my real name, the least he could do is pronounce it right. He'll probably blame it on his accent or whatever.... CorVus! Quit fucking camping man!" 

"Where is he?"

"Just hiding in a building with a sniper, claymore at the only entrance." 

"Shit! There's like four of them were I am." 

"On my way." 

"Got em."

"Thanks Sane." 

"How the fuck do you do that?" 

"By being good? Aiming. Pressing right trigger, it's a number of things really." 

"Smart ass. If this was Gears of War I'd be on top right now." 

"Yeah but it's not Gears, so get over it."

"You are so sassy when we play video games." 

"Oh shut up." 

"Haha. Oh what?" 

"Final kill bitches!"

*Gator sets the controller down on the couch as he searches his pocket for a cigarette*

"Oh damn, look at my sexy ass gun on that final kill cam."

"You're a sore winner I see?" 

"You should know."


*Gator takes the cigarette from his pocket and places it in his mouth, lighting it with his zippo and inhaling the toxic fumes*

"Top of the leaderboard, as per usual."

"Second, not bad." 

"Third place. Most assists, like always. Shane with zero kills and twenty fucking deaths. And corVus with twelve kills and zero deaths." 

"Niiice. Good game." 

"I'm just happy we won." 

*A notification pops up on the television, Gator presses the home button on the controller and reads it*

I wasn't camping.


*Gator stares at the screen blankly for a second or two and closes the message, grabbing hold of the controller as he blows smoke from his nose*

"Bullshit corVus." 

"What did he say?" 

"Fuck even online I'm his damn translator! He messaged me saying he wasn't camping." 

"Haha. Well, that's a lie."

"We having another game?" 

"Sure. Nothing better to do." 

*The footage fades to black*


"Louis, you miserable piece of shit."

"Everyone behold the higher power! The devil himself! The current Universal champion! King of the XWF! The longest reigning X-Treme Champion! Doctor Louis D'Ville!"

"And in the red corner. The last ever Television champion! The longest reigning Television Champion on record! One time Universal Champion for like a minute! The only person to beat the absolute dog shit out of his opponent in a 'real' match! GATOR!"

"Wooo clap! Whistle! Yaaay...."

"Congratulations on your belt old friend. Shame I'm going to take it away from you in a much more brutal fashion. So, D'Ville is the higher power. What a fucking twist. Nobody saw that coming. Ever since you brought LH back from the dead, and he followed you around for a while, trying his hardest to help you kick out of all those pins. Nobody saw that you could be the Higher Power. When Hysteria dropped small subtle hints in his promos that he could be LH Harrison, your pet. Nobody saw that you were the Higher Power. When Hysteria took off his mask in one of the funniest reveals I have ever seen, I had no clue that briefcase holder and LH's savior Doctor Louis D'Ville would come out and reveal he was the Higher Power. It just blew my fucking mind."

"Now, I'm not going to be that guy who just says, yeah, saw that coming. Because, hell, maybe I didn't see that coming. Maybe I'm a dumbass who can't piece shit together. You never know. If I knew, I would still have the Universal title right? Right? No way in hell would I just give that belt away would I? Against one of the best opponents I've ever had, no way I would let that happen so we could have a rematch that mattered. I would never do that right? I'm not smart enough to let the pieces fall in place like that. Have the perfect reason to get our rematch, have a perfect reason to get myself angry, the perfect reason to get my team angry, the perfect reason to get a new member, a new manager, a new plan. Why the fuck would I ever do something like that?"

"Haha. Maybe I'm just messing with you. Maybe I never knew you were going to cash in, the only other active briefcase member that holds something against me. Maybe I don't know anything. Who knows? Who cares? But, if you want to give an answer go for it. But knowing you, you pretend to be so fucking smart you'll more than likely skip the obvious and go for the most out there answer ever not realising shit can be simple and straight forward for once. It's like if I give you an easy riddle."

"Hey Doc, I am always colourful."

"I am soft yet hard."

"I wobble when I'm still."

"I am jelly, what am I?"

"And your answer would probably be a translucent substance extracted from the collagen inside animals' connective tissue, made from bones and pig skin. Because you try too hard. Stop it. Chill out, relax. Have a laugh every once in a while, all that seriousness and stress is going to kill you. If I was the captain on that sinking ship of a team, I'd be fucking stressed out too. Seriously dude, you have so much potential, you could be the top of this company but you are being dragged down so fucking much with these assholes you associate with. Ghost Tank. Frodo. A bunch of nobodies and a one eyed cat. Hey! You and the cat have something in common! That's cool right? And lastly LH Harrison. Pfft hahaha! Can we please talk about your prophet for a minute please? Haha, okay."

*Gator clears his throat*

"So, he fakes his death. You act all Jesus like resurrecting this douche, but he's been wearing a mask and talking like Cobra Commander all this time. Then, when it comes to his fucking reveal he does one of the lamest stunts I have ever seen."

"Laughs Hysterically."

"L H."


"What a shitty connection to make! All those confused fans! Wait, he's just copying Theo Pryce with the Enigma stuff but doing an even worse job. And the other half of the audience going oh shit! How the fuck did LH Harrison win and defend a title? Fuck, maybe I'll come into the ring on Madness and take off my mask, actually prove that I'm actually Carmen Electra, put up a video on the X-Tron on how alligator in Spanish looks a little like Carmen, thinking I'm so fucking smart that I showed everyone this connection that they couldn't figure out beforehand. And this cunt is your fucking prophet! Your second in command! This retard is in your ear, filling your head with other dumb shit. Making you worse. And making this victory of mine easier to achieve."

"So, right now I think we're on the same level right? We both had long title runs, never really faced competitors on our level, I was booked against Knight five fucking times! Jesus, doesn't get lower tier than that. Except for maybe Herod. One of your followers who holds nothing of weight under his belt. You're toughest defences were Goat Face Killa, and Defiance's own Austin Fernando. Now, Fern I can understand, a little green around the edges but one of the most talented rookies I have ever seen. But Goat Face? Fuck, you fell hard. And then you cash in. I can't wrap my head around that, one of the few people who I felt never needed a case, who would gladly go toe to toe with anybody, I thought that person was you. And you proved me wrong, I lost a hell of a lot of respect for you that night."

"One of the reasons was because I thought you were smarter than that. You could have held on just a day longer, I would have had a defence as Uni champ, you could have cashed in then and you would have earned another briefcase. You could have had two cases and handed one off to LH. You could have got equal with Defiance by cashing in on me, and cashing in on Sane or corVus. Win the tag belts and the Uni title. You could have done this, but you didn't. Expert timing on your part? Or a lack of patience? A lack of intelligence. Now, here's me, sitting out Lethal Lottery, enjoying watching the back and forth people are having, watching you getting tired and lacking potential while I relax and sit happy full of piss and vinegar. And here's me being an asshole and scheduling our rematch in the middle of Lethal Lottery. While you're tired and worn out from your matches, I'm at one hundred percent ready to take you down. Reminds me of your cash in. Quite fitting really." 

"This is just the beginning Doc, I beat you once I can sure as hell do it again."

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© 2014 Defiance Productions